Παρασκευή 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Ζωγραφική σε πέτρες με θέμα τα Χριστούγεννα!

Snoopy                                                                                                                                                      More:
Φέτος τις γιορτές μαζέψτε πέτρες και ζωγραφίστε με τα παιδιά σας υπέροχα σχέδια πάνω τους. Οι πέτρες που θα δείτε είναι καταπληκτικές! Καλή έμπνευση!
Pebble art Christmas decoration Rocks art Unique от AdriArtistic:
Christmas Story Stones by starrygirlb on Etsy:

Christmas story stones
Berivan Serin Art Gallery ❥Teresa Restegui http://www.pinterest.com/teretegui/ ❥:
Painted rocks for Christmas:
DIY Painted Stone Christmas Tree Forest Tutorial from el nido de mama gallina.Make this pretty DIY Painted Stone Christmas Forest with your kids using cheap supplies like stones, paint, white pens and cans.
Photos by el nido de mama gallina, GIF by...
So easy to do.. You don't need to be an artist!:
Christmas Story Stones  You can find me on facebook https://m.facebook.com/stonecraftforyouuk:
Christmas Angel:
Snowmen painted on stones:
Snowman painted stone/painted rock/Christmas scene:
These would definitely be a good addition to the Christmas hampers! I even have a bag of pebbles waiting to be painted..:
<span>Srdconoši v páru | <a href="http://img.flercdn.net/i2/products/4/7/6/189674/4/4/4415110/ykpacesrehtmgl.jpg" target="_blank">Zobrazit plnou velikost fotografie</a></span>:

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